We use high quality disc brakes. We are partners leading Indian & international brands like Sprandom, Katour, Shimano etc.
Common Issues
Q. The disc brakes in my cycle are not working properly / are making noise / the discs seem bent. What should i do?
The gap between the pad and the disc is very small. So-when correctly adjusted, the brake pads rub very lightly against the disc. In fact you should be able to hear a light scraping noise when you spin the wheel. This means that you get the full braking effect with only a short pull on the brake lever. But the small gap also means that when fitting wheels with disc brakes to a bike, you must slide the disc into position between the pads, before you fit the wheel to the frame. If you don’t, there’s a slight possibility of either jamming the pad against the disc or preventing the caliper moving.
The small gap between the pad and the disc also makes it vital to keep the disc absolutely straight and true. So don’t ever kick it, let it bind on a rock or get damaged in any other way. If the disc does go out of true, it’ll rub much more heavily on the pad and must be replaced without delay.
Replacements & Modifications
Q. Can I modify my brakes from v-brakes to disc brakes or from disc brakes to v-brakes?
Yes, some of the modifications that can be done. If your frame & fork have a certain fitment extension, v-brakes can be replaced by disc brakes.
The disc brakes can be replaced to v-brakes in Manali series.
The disc brakes cannot be replaced by v-brakes in Hampi & Ladakh series.
This Discs of Disc Brake are touching the pads / are bent. What should I do?
The discs when sent assembled with a bicycle, the always should be a little bit bent in the discs. A new seat of discs always come with a little bit of wobble, however it is not a manufacturing defect. Once the bike is fully assembled discs should always be trued for smooth and good performance. Truing should always be done with the help of a professional mechanic. This should be done in every two months for the smooth functioning of the disc brakes.
Apart from that disc brakes should always be cleaned properly and the brake pads as well otherwise a creaking sound may come due to the dirt between the discs and the brake pads.